Monday, September 24, 2007


The mail address:
        Loring Hall
        St James's
        New Cross
        SE14 6AH

Mobile# (cell phone):

        These first few days at Goldsmiths have been filled with a lot of new faces, new names, and endless sessions on how not to fail (do my homework, attend my seminars, and don't plagiarize). My flatmates are an interesting bunch (six other girls and one boy), all quirks and generosity.
        The campus is wonderfully rambling. The college has, over the years, bought up a lot of the surrounding property, but instead of tearing it down and rebuilding, they simply move onto the premises. A row of apartments (brick and cobbles and flower boxes) is now a row of administration offices. There are stores and other things interspersed with the campus buildings. For example, my hall is cozied up to a private children's school. Kids in blazers and bright white knee-highs troop past me on the sidewalk in the mornings.
        My window overlooks the Loring Hall courtyard. The window of our kitchen also opens out that way, and we can see other flats sitting down to meals together.
        There's a definite feel of the arts here. (One of my flatmates is practicing her violin. It's lovely and sad, coming faintly through the wall to my left.) Every third person sports a mohawk or purple hair or striped tights or haphazardly deconstructed shirts. I imagine that this is what Columbia College in Chicago is like. There is a strong flavor (or rather, flavour) of artistic snobbery coupled with pseudo-intellectualism. However, everyone I've met is, one-on-one, very friendly. The trick is to get them away from the pack. Even at art school, people forget how to be individuals.

        I cut my hair last night. I'll wait to post pictures, A) I haven't taken any, and B) perhaps the suspense will keep you checking back. :-)

        Today I went shopping for some necessities. I found a few kitchen amenities, soap, shampoo/conditioner, and several other mundane necessaries, all for under twenty pounds (it doesn't sound as good when you convert it to dollars). Nonetheless, I don't feel too guilty. You can't beat ninety pence face wash.
        I was, however, unable to find hangers. So that's my mission for tomorrow. Find hangers, finish unpacking (I'm sick of living out of suitcases), take photos of my room and kitchen and campus.

        It's exciting, meeting new people, exploring a new place. You can see the London Eye from the student union building at night. This thin blue crescent, floating partially obscured on the horizon, surprisingly close. If I reach out, I could brush it, send it spinning, a silent whirl of lights.


Anonymous said...

Leta- so good to talk to you last night!! Love your haircut. MOM

Anonymous said...

Leta, why are your entries always so poetic? It's amazing. I wish I were as good a writer as you. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're having fun! I can't wait to come visit you! I also have a question. To call you, do I have to press a + before the number? Because it wouldn't let me put that when I added you into the contacts on my phone. Let me know so I can hear your lovely voice!

Anonymous said...

Hi Leta:
Love reading your excitement to be in London. U make me feel like I am there! And really love your hair cut and hope the cut wasn't done in a quick crazy moment..if so, it will grow back (like you wouldn't know that!). Right now I need something new in my life(change of seasons) & may do something crazy (like become redhead, eat dirt, fly and live with you, hee hee). Well I send all my love etc.and know that this is such a special time for you.....soak it all in slowly. Love ya, your favorite aunt Susan (thompson)

Lost Tribe Sound said...

Enjoying your well rambled insights as always. Love you.